Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "camilo jos cela"
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  "Shooting at someone means taking away what they have lived and what they have left to live, but shooting at a girl means that anyone can be shot." Summer 2019 on the south-side of Madrid. The neighborhood streets are accustomed to mangled bodies, to the violence of prostitution and drugs, and even to the fights that cause breathlessness. But this time it's different. Shot at point-blank, the dreams and hopes of Carla, a... - Read more

Behind a great statesman such as Sebastiò José de Carvalho e Melo there is not one great woman, but several. Some bound by blood, like his mother Maria Teresa Luiza de Mendoça e Melo; others, by affection, such as his two wives. The first, ten years older than the young Sebastiâo, was the widow Teresa de Mendoça e Almada. The relationship was not fully accepted, but Sebastiao didn’t hesitate, he kidnapped... - Read more

  LAURA RESTREPO'S NEW NOVEL A double love story in a world on the verge of collapse, by the winner of the Alfaguara Awards, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Grinzane Cavour. "Every myth that is born is reborn. Every myth that incarnates reincarnates." Obsessed with the Queen of Sheba, Bos Mutas, a young contemporary writer, sets out on a journey around the world to find her, just as historical figures of the likes of Solomon, Thomas... - Read more

The Nobel prize winner’s son tries to bring us closer to his father’s figure, to demystify him all while painting a more intimate picture. Through a series of episodes and amazing anecdotes, Camilo José Cela Conde covers an entire life and in spite of the estrangement that there was between them both during the last years, he pays tribute to the writer and the man who was his father. ... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 86 results
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